Friday, August 1, 2008

My First Blog/Blessed to be a Blessing!

Well, here I am in the "world of blogging". I never thought I'd be doing this but I'm thinking I need to share my blessings with others.

The name "Mammie's Blessings" comes from the name I hope my little grandchildren will call me. However, whatever they decide will be perfect. It will be some time before I hear those words as our first grandchild is 5 months away from delivery. Our second grandchild is 61/2 months away from delivery. Mammie and Poppie have a certain ring to them, don't you think?

Back to my blessings. Some time ago several of my friends and I attended a ladies conference and were struck with the idea that we too could put together one in our church. As of yet we have not done one but when we do God has given me the title: BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING.
Think about it, what do we do with our blessings? Do we keep them to ourselves? Do we thank God for every blessing? Do we bless others? Do we take our blessings for granted and become ungrateful? We sing a song, "Make me a Blessing" but when He does, do we carry through and become a blessing to others?

That is my desire, to be a blessing. It might take hard work on my part, though, as I sometimes forget to think of others when I'm busy or stressed or running late. I become complacent and just plain lazy at times. It's another "flesh against spirit."

The Bible says in Matthew 26:41..."the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Just like the disciples who fell asleep and could not "watch with (Him) for one hour" I too fall down on the job, so to speak. I want to do better.

"Make me a blessing, make me a blessing! Out of my life may Jesus shine; Make me a blessing, O Saviour, I pray, Make me a blessing to someone today."

God bless you today!
Love, Judy


valerie said...

Judy....Yay!!! I'm so glad to see that you made a blog. You are just gonna love it. I've "met" so many amazing women on here from all over the U.S., Canada and beyond.
I'm so excited that you're gonna be a grandma. It's an answer to our prayers. To think that both of your kids will be having children just weeks's just awesome!
Yes, "Blessed To Be a Blessing!" We need to do that and we will.
I am blessed and want to share what God has done for me.
I've been keeping you in my prayers...with all the dental work you've been going through.
Thanks for the comment about my "Jacque" post. I kept thinking of more and more memories of her and had to stop.
Love ya,

judy said...

How funny! I didn't think my "comment" went through and was about to give up. :)
A whole new world to me. LOL
Thanks for your prayers. And yes, we will do our "Blessed to Be a Blessing" when the time is right.
Blessings to YOU today!
Love, Judy