Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Birthday, Tiff

Happy Birthday, Tiffany! I can not believe you are 35 today. Where did the time go? It seems the years has flown by and I've been "out of touch" so to speak. :) Am I stuck in a time-warp? Oh, goodness, I hope not.

I thank God for you, dear daughter. Have the years always been sunshine and roses? Of course not. But, as in all things, we grow in Him when we face each stage of our lives. Without the "seasons" of our lives we would become complacent and dull. The seasons take us on to new and exciting paths.

I've enjoyed each stage of your life. You've given us joy! I can't imagine not having you in our lives to fill each day with something new. We've laughed together, cried together and shared some pretty wonderful times. Who could ever forget all the fun vacations we've taken? Rodeo Drive? (remember your embarrassment at being in Nana's pick-up? FUNNY!) : Hawaii ?(where you and your dad stayed in the room to watch "Gomer Pyle" instead of walking on the sad!) : Washington D.C.? (could we have had any more blisters from all the walking? I was determined that we see everything before we were off to Dollywood ....really, Dollywood after D.C.!!!! weird, hugh? :) : Florida? (did we really drive the motor home on the beach? ) So many fun times. We've been blessed, dear child.

So, today I reflect on your life with much love and thankfulness for the pleasure of being your mom. I could not be more excited than to know that in a few months you, too, will have the wonderful blessing of becoming a "mom." You're going to be a terrific little mother to your children, Tiffany. For that, I thank God.

Knowing you will be raising your children in a home where God's love abides assures me that you and your husband, David, will seek Him in every aspect of parenthood. What peace comes from knowing His hand will be guiding you.

3 months old. Too cute!

This is the sweetest note of all. You were in preschool and told the teacher you did not have to take a nap. Mrs. Laughlin told you if you brought a note from you mother telling her you would be leaving early, she would let you stay up. Well, being 4 years old you thought you could write your own note and tell her it was from your mother! Hmmmmmm, I wonder why she didn't "buy it." lol

Those precious dog ears! What a little sweetheart. ;)

Tee ball, softball, basketball, pom squad. What fun we had watching you compete.

I could not find the actual picture but found this newspaper clipping where we published our birthday wishes to you. (were you amused? I hope so)

This note makes me laugh!! Okay, now that you're going to become a mother, I hope this note does not come back to haunt you. :) Oh those teenage years! God bless us all, we lived through them and still love one another.

College days!

Nana, you and uncle Jerry at your apartment .

And this is what your dad and I looked like as a young couple, waiting for our little one. (what on earth is with my hair....yicks)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TIFFANY! I'm proud to be your mom! I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
I love you. :)
God bless you today.


Kristen said...

Aww! Happy Birthday Tiffany!
I cannot belive how much she looks like you in the preggers pic?! How cool that she looks like you and Travis looks like David...I love it!
You are an awesome mother...she's so blessed!

valerie said...

What a wonderful birthday tribute.
I love all the pictures.
That is too cute about Tiff writing that note to Mrs. Laughlin.
Happy Birthday Tiffany!

bj said...

Thanks for coming by to see me...I hope you will come back again soon.
This is a wonderful tribute to your daughter.
Blessings, bj

bj said...

Hey, Judy...just to let you know...
Don't give it a thought...I have done that before, too...SEVERAL times!
Pls come back to see me anytime!
love, bj