Sunday, September 7, 2008

Rocks in my head, song in....

Okay, I have a problem. Maybe ,some of you have this problem too.

People can be talking to me, or I might be listening to someone on television speaking, when suddenly..............I might hear:


  • "did you ever........." blah, blah, blah!!! But I hear, "did you ever have to make up your mind?"

  • "blah, blah, blah, lonesome..." I hear, "are you lonesome tonight?"

  • "I need to take this key....blah, blah, blah" I hear, "I got a brand new pair of roller skates you got a brand new key."

  • "....we have our land...blah, blah, blah" I hear, "This land is your land, this land is..."

or maybe "This land is mine, God gave this land...."

Do you see the problem? It's maddening, I tell you, maddening! There is always a song in my head (or is that........"with a song in my heart") ??????? They just keep coming, one song after another. There's never an end to it.

There have been times when I'd break out in song! Say a word and POW....another song!

Sometimes it can be funny but usually, it's distracting because I might miss the rest of what someone is saying for hearing "a song" rolling around in my little brain.

So, what's a mother to do? (There it goes again, wasn't that a commercial??? Commercials are rollin'around in there too. OMGoodness!!!!!)

Well, I'm going to laugh about it. I've been doing it this long, gotten by with it, so why change now. But for those who stand before me, uttering words, please know that in the midst of what you're saying.................

"there's a song in my. ...... HEAD."

Laughter: the Bible says is a good medicine!...........

"... spoon full of sugar, makes the medicine go......." lol

Thank you Lord for the "rocks in my head" cause it will keep me laughing.

And it goes on

and on

and on


God bless you today! :)


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Great sense of humor, Judy. Thanks for leaving me a note, so nice to meet you. I hear you on the yardsales, that's why I have to leave so many good things behind, I have no more room at my house.

Come back & see me!

bj said...

Oh, ya got ME to thinkin' about songs.....