Monday, August 18, 2008

Glorify HIM

This is going to be a fun week. Wednesday we find out the sex of our first grand baby. Okay, so here are my "predictions:"

#1 grand baby is a boy (due January 3)

#2 grand baby is a girl (due February 18)

But do you think it really matters to us? NO WAY! We are blessed at the privilege of becoming grandparents twice within six weeks.

Several weeks ago I went with my daughter to her doctor's appointment. Against my wishes she was having tests to make sure everything was okay with the baby. However, I soon realized once we were there that the only reason she was having the tests was to be able to "see" her baby sooner than the normal 20 week sonogram. It did not matter to her or her husband if those test results were negative or positive because the results were not going to change anything concerning her pregnancy.

We were not listening to anything the doctor said as he performed the so called tests. Our eyes were fixed on the monitor at seeing that precious 3 oz. baby moving ever so playfully. We could see "her" profile, "her" little hand with all five fingers and could see and hear the heart beat. Oh what a miracle! WHAT A MIRACLE!

Isaiah 44:2 NIV "... he who made you, who formed you in the womb."

I think about Him as He's creating us and how delighted He must be at His handiwork! Think about it for a moment. Think about how proud we are when we complete a project. We stand back and look at it from every angle. We gaze at it with wonder and smile at our accomplishments. Can't you just see Him creating a tiny baby? His perfect hands as they form mankind. His smile as He gazes at His completed "project."

CREATION!!!!!!! What miracles we are. We were created to glorify HIM.

Romans 15:5,6 NIV "May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

We are created to glorify HIM! That is my desire to always glorify Him. As a grandparent I want to teach these babies all about our CREATOR. I want them to know how special they are and how much they were loved even before we could hold them in our arms. Our precious CREATOR held them in HIS arms first, touching them, creating His master piece. From His hands to ours. What a miracle!

God bless you today! Never forget that you are a miracle. Glorify Him. Tell someone about His love. GLORIFY HIM!



valerie said...

I am so excited for you and your family! How neat for both Tiffany & Travis to become parents so close together.
You are going to be such a fun, wonderful Mammie.
Maybe Tiff will have her little girl :) on my birthday.
Please let me know what you find out on Wed.

Kristen said...

Judy, I am so happy for you! I can't wait to hear your news! (I agree with your predictions...very strange if they come true!)
Katie and I had the best time growing up together and she is still one of my very best friends. What fun!