Sunday, October 5, 2008

Extreme Makeover

This is rather short notice but I'd like everyone to watch, "Extreme Makeover" tonight.
A friend of mine's niece, Ginger, and family will be the featured family receiving a new home. Their last name is Akers.
It's been fun listening to my friend revealing the details of how they were chosen, where they went while their home was being renovated, etc...
But more than anything, how truly blessed this family is to have the outpouring of love from their community. What a wonderful family to receive all that has come from being chosen.
You will be touched by their story.
Should you miss the the show tonight, you can go on YOU Tube, type in Extreme Makeover and their last name.
God bless you today. :)


valerie said...

I called you this evening because I couldn't remember what time or channel this show was on, but pretty soon it advertised that it was coming on so I watched it.
Every time I've ever watched it I end up in tears and this one was no exception. It was very sweet. What a precious family.
Thanks for making us aware of it.

judy said...

I went on to church and Tivo'd it. Watched it when I got home.
Precious family, hugh?
I spoke with my friend this morning and there is so much more to the story that could have been told. So much has happened since the house was rebuilt back in the summer.
I'll share tonight at Bible study.
Glad you caught it.

Kristen said...

Very cool! We didn't get home in time from our travels to watch it, but how neat it was someone you know!

Denise said...

hey...... what a blessing to know this family...... I will go to You Tube and watch......... thanks for sharing............ I love this program and do such wonderful things for families..... there is more blessings in blessing others......

Have a blessed week.....

Denise said...

OMG! I cannot imagine filling in my pool! We just put ours in July.. then the weather turned and then the coldest September in 120 years!!!! Hhahhahah oh well..... Oklahoma, I love it! Yes we are windy here, not sure where you are but I bet you are close...... We are waiting for our pool guy to get here to cover the pool and in the mean time we are fishing out the leaves! We are going to put a sun dome over the pool in March I hope and heat the air and it will allow us to swim in April ! Yeah!

I am so glad you came by and I am going to add you to my blog list! I am so glad to meet you!