Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Birthday to.....

David with
our 'grandDOGS' Precious and Duke.

Yesterday was my honey's birthday. Not a big celebration as he was feeling 'under the weather' with sinus problems.......but then., just about EVERYONE in our area is having the same 'ragweed' attack!

We went out for a mighty fine steak dinner! Yummoooo! So good. Then we killed time before dropping in on a really FUN celebration.

A friend of mine had a party for her grandsons' lst birthdays, born two weeks apart in different parts of the US, I might add. (*note to self: DON'T EVEN WHINE ABOUT YOUR TWO GRANDCHILDREN BEING BORN 6 WEEKS APART!) :)

Back to the boys' lst birthdays. So, my friend wanted people to 'meet' the little guys and eat at a wonderful deli here in town. Since we'd opted to eat earlier (you know.....STEAK) we dropped by for a quick second to run these cute little ponies in for the boys.

Aren't they just the cutest!!!!!! Now I know it will be impossible for them to take these ponies back on the airplane to their homes but.......hey, they can stay at granny's house. :)


And now for my honey;

Here are a few pictures taken of him doing what 'future poppies' do best.........
The Pottery Barn bassinet from from mammie and poppie.

Yeah for reading instructions!

The 'handsome' crib which the other grandparents purchased, as well as the dresser, hutch and other pieces. Bless those wonderful people!

The stroller from mammie and poppie.

I thank God that father and son have such a great relationship and look forward to doing little projects together. These 'projects' were especially FUN!

A poppie with speed!

We had a great time at our son and daughter in laws' house preparing stuff for our little grandson. Of course it was a shopping fest; one of many I look forward to. Here's what my daughter in law and I 'put together.'

What a little gentleman he will be in this outfit!

mammie does NOT know how to turn this right side up..... :(


What a difference one year has made. Last year at this time you were recovering from open heart surgery. How great is our God!!!!

I love you!



MiMi said...


Could those "granddogs" be any cuter? We have a Boxer that will be 8 years old on Sunday. Are they not the absolute best dogs in the world! That is the cutest picture ever!
Looks like ya'll had a great time preparing for your grandson. That really is a "handsome crib"! Gorgeous!
Hope your hubby' had a wonderful birthday and that he is feeling better with his sinus problems. We are facing the same issues here in NC.

Have a great weekend!

MiMi said...

Thanks so much for your comment on my blog about the cleaners. I also use baking soda and vinegar in my wash and they work really well! My son always uses vinegar in his rinse cycle, too.

So glad you added that comment so others can read. I am convinced if you have vinegar, baking soda, borax, and washing soda, you can clean ANYTHING in your home! So much healthier for you and the environment -- as well as, much cheaper!

Hope you have a great weekend!

katiegfromtennessee said...

Hey Judy:)

Well happy Birthday to your Honey! and those kids clothes look soo cute! Litle kids clothes are fun! Looks like good times for you:)


His Doorkeeper said...

Judy, Thanks for the comment on my blog! I guess we share some of the same things other than our name!

We, too, are expecting our first grandbaby in Jan. We are so excited! We bought them a crib and I have already bought tons of little clothes....just can't help myself! We have waited so long!

Thanks again for the comment!

In His Army said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love the picture of your grandogs...we have a boxer that is like a member of the family. We also had one that we had to put to sleep, and we still miss him--it has been almost two years. :(

I LOVE those cute! And the crib, stroller, and outfits are all just perfect!!

Tara said...

I loooooove pottery barn kids' stuff! I fell in love with a sleigh crib from PB when I was pregnant, but it was SO expensive. My hubby actually built Roman's crib. I found a picture online of a $900 crib that I wanted so badly, so I printed out the picture, gave it to Mike and he built it himself! I'll have to post a picture of it... Those boys of yours sure looked they enjoyed getting ready for baby! It helps them feel useful! :-)

Kristen said...

I LOVED those ponies!!! I've been telling everyone how precious they were! :) Great gift!
I also love the crib, stroller, and clothes for Travis' little one!
You're going to be the best little mammie!
See ya soon!

valerie said...

Hey Judy,
We missed you yesterday. It really was good and very enjoyable. I understand though...

You've been a busy gal! Kristen said the party for the boys was really nice. She really did come to our house afterwards telling me how stinkin' cute those horses were. That was really nice of Janice & Dennis to do that. I'm sure she was so anxious to show off those babies.

I love the pictures of Travis & David. How nice that he and David got to put those items together - together. :)

Love the little outfits too.
Fun, fun.

I'll see you tomorrow night.